The French PostgreSQL Cross-Enterprise Work Group, a non-profit organization advocating for the adoption and use of PostgreSQL, just published an open letter to all software vendors that don’t already do so to take steps to support PostgreSQL as a database management system (DBMS). The ambition of this initiative is to incite them to adapt quickly to the irresistible IT transformation in progress in public and private companies.
Created in 2016, the PostgreSQL Cross-Enterprise Work Group ( called “Groupe de Travail Inter-Entreprise” or “GT Entreprise” in French) is a dedidacted task force inside the PostgreSQLFr non-profit association. Over the last months, it has grown remarkably.
In a new press release (link below) published yesterday, the workgroup sent an open letter to software vendors, asking them officially to support PostgreSQL.
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This is a major step for PostgreSQL in France and in the french-speaking countries. For the first time, more than 20 national and international companies take an explicit stance in favor of PostgreSQL by recognizing the technical value of the software but also highlighting the benefits of the open source model itself.
Among these companies and public agencies, you can find : Air France, Carrefour (retail), CASDEN (bank), CNES (national space study center), EDF, MSA / GIE AGORA (mutual insurance), E.Leclerc (retail), MAIF (mutual insurance), Météo France (national weather forecast agency), The National Education Ministry, PeopleDoc, SNCF (national railway company), PeopleDoc, SNCF, Société Générale (bank) and Tokheim Services Group.
These institutions gathered in the PostgreSQLFr association to share their experience, promote PostgreSQL and contribute to its development. Beyond these 3 big missions, the remarkable point is that the group organized itself by adopting the great principles of the PostgreSQL community: openess, mutual help, transparency, self-organization, etc.
To discover the activities of the group, you can come to the booth of the PostgreSQL community during the Paris Open Summit 2017 or read the wiki page of the workgroup :
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The enterprise workgroup is the very illustration of a fundamental principle of open source: erasing the separation between software publishers and consumers. Within the PostgreSQL community, every user can become a contributor and play a role in the development and promotion of the software.
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